After these past few months of lockdown, I was so happy to finally go back to discover new places to eat, with my favorite foodie girl, Amanda. I found them on Instagram, I checked they have a really cute website !
I’m happy to see that this new place has taken time to work on their visibility because personally, I’m attracted to what I see, no matter the beauty of the menu or description, I will be more attracted to foodie pictures. I think when you want to discover a new place it’s even better when they have a nice website because when you will research the location it will give you the want to go and try.
But yes, when I saw these words « vegan » and « 100% plant-based », I was even happier, it’s a lifestyle so different, we don’t hear enough, yes we have the basic stereotypes like « do you have enough protein ? », « you need to eat meat and drink cow milk to be healthy » and so much more. That’s what society and the Food industry want you to believe, but in 2020 and even before, you need to question yourself and do not base your trust in these believes, we are at a time that you need to make your own research and found what’s the best for you and for your health.
Goes beyond the prejudices and stereotypes, and you will realize that’s the healthiest lifestyle, because yes it’s not a diet, it’s so much more than that. I will make another article more in deep about this subject. All of that to say that I’m so happy that new business takes life in our beautiful country, because when you are plant-based in Switzerland, well let’s say we definitely don’t have so much choice, even more, when you live on the Romandie side.
« LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE AND MEDICINE BE THY FOOD ! » Basically, when I first enter inside it’s the first thing I saw. I really love this quote and the meaning behind it. They have a huge variety of plant-based plates and sweetness. I was impressed by their vegan cakes, usually, you’re used to seeing incredible cakes but of course, they are not vegan at all. But here, wow, you will see how the vegan cheesecake looks good!
Like always we decided to share everything, this way we could order more food, hihi! We ordered one avocado toast, one bruschetta, and two different kinds of sweetness, the first one with red berries mousse and the chocolate/peanut butter one.
We were so happy with all we ate, it was so good! The fact that’s fresh, organic products made all the difference! It’s so important to know what you’re basically eating and even more where it’s come from. I can tell you that here you have the transparency. You can literally see the kitchen from where we were seated and it’s bringing so many vibes and authenticity.
It was a really good discovery and I can’t wait to come back.

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