Well, it’s been too long ! But with the current situation happening, we have to live differently. Today marks one month of social-distancing despite the fact that I live with eight other people. Haha. At first, it was difficult because, since the beginning of my internship last September, I was so happy and satisfied where I was, the team is amazing and the babies too. So I never imagined one second that we will have to stay all at home for one month and more… I was so frustrated because I had the chance to begin something so rewarding that normally last one year and now I don’t know when I will be back and if I will have the chance to come back before the end of my internship…
This post is about photography but more especially about self-love, self-esteem and much more. If you know me, you know that I love to be behind the camera, not the opposite. I have never been someone that was been photographed. Because since always I never find myself as a good photogenic person.
But since I have so much time to spare, one day, I don’t know how the idea came, I decided to wash my hair and curl them, something that I never do because it takes so much time to do it. It was a sunny day and we know that natural lighting is always the best. I showed so freshen up with my curls on my terrace and began to shoot myself with some of my family staring at me, so cool… TADA!! the result at the end of the article.
These pictures are the first that I appreciate seeing about myself, yes I stare at all my insecurities, first my skin. But I was happy about it because I think the natural lighting helps and a preset filter too. When I look at these it’s not the first thing I saw at first, like always. That makes me happy !
This article to shows you that everybody has their own insecurities but when you work on them and you look forward to them, you feel much alive than before and much more happy.

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