New week, new goals ! I’m starting this week with a fresh start, I’m gonna explain why all this new. Lately, I have been thinking about my food choices, my habits in general. It’s all about my lifestyle to resume.
« Last month, when I was about to fly to Amsterdam to see my friend, one of my close friend talked to me about this film on Netflix. It called « What the Health ». I was a bit confused first of all because I’m not the kind of person who likes to watch every kind of documentaries, I don’t like them in general. But she told me that I have to watch it, but just to learn something about all the food we ate and the industry in general. So I was on the plane, listening to my music and the film came in my mind, why not ? I had the one free month on Netflix, it will not kill me to watch this documentary during this flying time.
To be honest, I really liked this kind of documentary, It was not like the old documentaries that the teacher will show you when you were in school, I swear. It’s a man who had his grandparents died from different diseases and he had feared that he will die the same way. So he traveled around the States to search for some information about what the Health, about the pharmaceutics in general, the marketing and the food industry. He interviewed few doctors, scientists and specialist to know more about our lifestyle etc. It’s really easy to watch it and to understand despite the fact that’s in English but you have the subtitle, of course. It’s not boring at all. The author asked himself, why he eats that or that ? Some question that a bunch of people, in general, doesn’t ask them. Is all we eat day after day are good for our health ? »
Before I didn’t ask myself why would I eat what I eat everyday, I will eat without know what are the consequence for my health. After this movie, I start thinking about what I eat in general, if my food choices are healthy or not ?
My friend told me about two books, that I’m reading at the moment, « How to not die » written by Michael Greger and « Rethinking the Science of Nutrition » written by T.Collins Campbell. I’m definitely thinking about my whole nutrition and all the impacts on my health. I’m now during a transition, step by step to become vegan, I want to experiment the fact to think about what I should eat or not and most important why. The end of the little parenthesis.
Today’s Monday, and how to start well the day, we went to try a new spot in town. It’s called « Végé Café » in Lausanne. I don’t know since when it’s open, but I know that’s new.
We took the Buddha bowl with some hummus, carrots, lentils, broccoli, beet and avocados. It was so good and so healthy. And we had a little extra space for a sweet dessert, we chose the Speculoos mousse. Wow and all of this was vegan ! Nice place and amazing tastes. You can eat some sandwiches and soup there too if you are not a bowl person. I will definitely recommend this place, my first try to a completely vegan café ! It’s a different kind of food choices, but you know what you are eating and why. You know that the vegetables came from the market and there is no added sugar or bad thing like that.