Hi guys! I’m back with this new article. After the first quarantine last March, restaurants, and cafés could finally open for the Summer season. Despite all regulations, they could finally work again. But the second wave came as expected and much more. They had to close again in Switzerland from 7-8 November to 10 December. They waited for the authority to say something about the day they will be able to open their business again and they spoke just as yesterday evening. But my point is that in between these two waves, I had the opportunity to try twice this place, and I’m in love with everything, the food, the spirit, the values, and the story of the place.

This plant-based/vegan/gluten-free friendly place name is Racines. Mathilde, my bestie told me about months ago that they were family friends and that it was a really friendly place to eat and enjoy moments. Another friend showed me their Instagram account, and she really wanted to try this place and I must say since I saw the pictures I agree.

Last month we came for the first time, we sat at their little terrasse in front of the restaurant and it was nice. As usual, we decided to share everything, so we ordered three different dishes. First, a plant-based omelet made from chickpeas wheat, I was so intrigued by this as I never eat or cook at home some egg/omelet alternative. Then we also took the sweet pancakes and to finish the Budda bowl. We also ordered something to drink, obviously. Léa decided to go for a healthy cold-pressed juice, and I decided to treat myself with a cacao/banana/dates smoothie.

To share some basic details about the café, this is a family business from 2016, all the staff beyond to an Italian family. They created this café within their mind some really important values as an ethic, the plant-based, the biological, and of course, the ecology. The purpose of the café is to make everyone discover the plant-based diet and its benefits. It’s important to mention that all products are fresh, bio, and homemade. Personally, the first thing I want to say is that my first impression was so good, they were so friendly and for me that matter. We asked questions and they advise us and share their opinion about the dishes.

I came two times almost in a month because I loved it so much and I definitely needed a discovery like this place. Next January I’m starting my training in Lausanne, and I’m so much happier knowing that when I will have time during my lunch break, it’s sure I will come here to eat a healthy lunch.

Today I want to share with you this incredible place, especially during these hard times for every restaurant/café, because I have my dad who is a restaurant owner and I can tell that it’s definitely a hard time. If you want to discover something different and make your own opinion about the plant-based diet, you wouldn’t be disappointed I’m sure about that. Most important if you want to support your locals, it matters, it’s important to support them in any way you can.